Chronic pain

We all sometimes feel pain. But fortunately, most of our pains disappear with time.

However, if not managed properly, they can persist and become disabling.

To help you act in time, we suggest you take the Örebro questionnaire below: it is a tool to assess the risk of your current pain becoming chronic and generating absenteeism.

The questionnaire is anonymous and we do not use the data for any purpose other than your information.

If you wish to be contacted again, you can give us your contact information at the end of the questionnaire.

Please read each question carefully. Don’t take too long to answer. It is important, however, that for each question, you give the answer that best fits your situation.


Chronic pain

We all sometimes feel pain. But fortunately, most of our pains disappear with time. However, if not managed properly, they can persist and become disabling. To help you act in time, we suggest you take the Örebro questionnaire below: it is a tool to assess the risk of your current pain becoming chronic and generating…