Learn Ergonomics

Learn Ergonomics

In Switzerland, it is difficult to learn field ergonomics. This is a unique 4-day course for all those who wish to expand their professional horizons. Whether you want to develop a freelance activity or discover ergonomics in a pragmatic and expert way, this continuing education course is for you!

The most practical ergonomic training in Switzerland

It was high time to offer practical ergonomics training in French-speaking Switzerland!

Olivier shares his expertise with generosity and passion, as well as his experience as a manager in the field of health consultancy: this training is designed for all those who wish to develop their activities, whether as an employee or an entrepreneur.

During the 4 days, the following topics are covered:

  • basics of ergonomics and posture
  • sitting posture: screen ergonomics, driving, office and home furniture
  • introduction to psychosocial risks
  • manual handling
  • workstation assessment (incl. ergonomic analysis tools)
  • definition of an ergonomics strategy
  • job design or improvement process
  • marketing secrets and techniques.

The course is currently only available in French.



Hyper motivée après ces 4 jours de formation absolument dynamiques, captivants et inspirants!

Référente ergonomie


Girard is an amazing guy and absolutely top of his field. I say it as a physician.



Merci pour ton engagement, ta manière de transmettre et ta bonne humeur... Je n'ai rien vu passer de ces 4 journées!

Spécialiste santé


Thank you for this extremely enriching training course!!



An opportunity to take a step back, to acquire useful, practical and tools that are directly applicable on the field. This training allowed me to make immediate links with my practice and to adapt my approach. I strongly recommend it!

OH Nurse

Let's talk

If you would like to know more or get a quote tailored to your needs, we are here to talk.

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